If you want to learn to run, improve your running, or race better, we will personally tailor your training to fit your goals.
Some love it and some loath it. Clearly we love it, but we fully understand how lots of people think it's not for them and really don't try it for many personal reasons - that's where we come in.
Run faster, run better
If you are a runner and love to run but need some help to get you running better, faster, more efficiently, or perhaps to take on an event like a 10k or a marathon – talk to us.
Running is such a good way to lose weight and stay lean as well as having many great health benefits. What we teach is how to run properly, to avoid injury and stresses, and to achieve your running goals.
Training for a 5k, 10k, Half or Full Marathon
Our training programmes are kept simple but effective, so you achieve your goals with intelligent, effective training methods focusing on quality not quantity - so no wasted junk miles, and no injuries. You need to pay attention to all parts of your body by increasing flexibility and strength in key areas. If you are new to running, then we strongly advise you to start with the 5k programme. If you have been running for a year or more, then subject to assessment, you should be able to start on the 10k or half marathon programme, and from there onto possibly the full marathon.
We aim to get you across the line on the least mileage possible. We aren’t lazy - just firm believers in quality training rather than quantity.