Pilates will help you with Pregnancy
Pilates is a method designed by Joseph Pilates to train your body to be strong, flexible and balanced. It involves a series of exercises that help to improve your posture and coordination. Breathing plays an important role in controlling how you perform every movement. The method focuses on whole body training and specifically addresses pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis (deep abdominal muscle) and multifidus (deep back) muscle, which are all key to good posture, balance and a strong core. Pilates builds on this strength through a series of controlled movements that won’t put your body under strain if performed correctly and under an expert supervision.
How Pilates helps Pilates strengthens your abs, back and pelvic floor muscles, which are the areas that can cause problems during pregnancy and after the birth. With its large repertoire of exercises, there are plenty of options and modifications for every stage of pregnancy — regardless of whether you are new to the method. Every pregnancy is a unique experience, so a typical Pilates practice is not suitable for most pregnant people. You will want an instructor specialized in (or a program designed for) pre- and post-natal Pilates training. Prenatal Pilates prepares you for labour and delivery, sets you up for recovery, promotes pelvic floor health, and helps prevent or manage diastasis recti (abdominal separation).
Benefits of regular Pilates ⁃ Strengthen the muscles and stabilize the joints as pregnancy hormones make the tissues (ligaments) that connect your bones more pliable, making you more prone to injury. ⁃ Reduce back pain, by exercising the core muscles that stabilize your back and pelvis. Strengthening these muscles can help to reduce back or pelvic pain. ⁃ Strengthen your pelvic floor, which will help to support your bowel, bladder and womb as your baby grows and moves down. ⁃ Improve balance, as you may feel a little more clumsy, or that your balance isn’t as good as usual, in pregnancy. Pilates exercises strengthen your core and may make you more stable when you walk as your bump grows. ⁃ Take the strain off your back and pelvis, by using positions such as going on your hands and knees, which is a great position for easing pregnancy back pain. ⁃ Relax and control your breathing, which is important for pregnancy and labour.
Exercise is good for you in general terms but even more throughout pregnancy, do not let worries or old fashioned rumours stop you. Just listen to your doctors, your body and look for a pre/post natal trained instructor that can guide you through this unique journey.