Fit At 50
Many clients get to the age of 50 and know that they need to address their lifestyle so that they can look forward to a healthy future. What people of this age do not always realize is what an enormous change can be achieved with regular exercise and a well designed progamme of personal training.
You will literally feel years younger.
Set yourself new targets at 50
Most of our clients who have been through this, openly admit to discovering energy levels that they have not had for many, many years, and feeling so much healthier and younger. Indeed the most remarkable improvements of all our clients are made in this age group.
We also have many clients over 50 who have exercised regularly but realise that they are not realising their full potential or are experiencing problems with recurring injuries. This is because they are exercising incorrectly and need professional guidance. New targets can be set, and new goals achieved that you may have thought were out of reach. You may be 50, but massive improvements to your fitness can still be made.
You will be amazed by how quickly strength and endurance can be improved as well as balance, posture and flexibility.
An initial assessment is made and a realistic programme is scheduled to fit around your own commitments which may well be an already hectic business and personal timetable. But a minimum schedule of 2/3 sessions of one hour each per week are needed to see real rewards. After a few weeks considerable improvements are usually experienced; and for most, things just keep getting better.